Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Penny in the Fountain

oil on canvas
approx 30"x48"

I think it is now done. The glass bits I added to the painting this morning came from a birthday gift assortment of doo-dads from my sister:

This canvas was originally prepared as part of a mixed-media class, where we contrived to add as much stuff as possible to the creation in progress. My results were the equivalent of an attempt in throwing a wad of pizza dough into the air along with string and copper wire. The conglomerate never made it to the prepared canvas, and I used this surface instead for one of the paintings done in my accustomed manner. This is the first undamaged canvas I have worked on in some time.


mrs. tioli said...

My sister says that this should be titled "Embrace." She wondered how she could get it, and I told her that a hug would get her an embrace. I haven't heard from her since...